The Biggest Secret to Getting out of your Head & into your Heart!

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Ever feel like you’re running around in circles? Feeling the weight of the world around you and yet, you know there is more meant for you?

Because, darling, there is! You are meant for more!

I’ve been on a soul discovery mission for the past 2 years and on the days where I feel frustrated- like I’m running in circles-those are the days I know I’m way too up in my head. Contrary to basically everything we grew up learning, we don’t actually make design with our brains.

Our brains are picking up direction and signs from everywhere in our body and trying to rationalize everything it’s picking up. However, it’s our hearts that really run the show.

As a Reiki Master, when I’m working in a client’s energy field it’s rarely ever the brain that I energetically pick up on at first… Within your chakras- 7 main energy fields within your body- Of these 7 your heart charka’s energy is always putting out 60 times the amount of the brain! The heart is the strongest electromagnetic field in you body and as the energy around it spins, it encompasses ever cell, every organ, every inch of you physical body and you energetic body.

That’s amazing right? It’s why when your happy, you sometimes feel as if your heart will explode- the energy is so strong your entire body feels it! When you were being formed in your mother’s womb, your heart began to develop before your brain. A fact, that I think is pretty dang spectacular!

So why did we grow in learning in school that our brains ran the show? It’s been drilled in our heads that the brain sends the signals and the body responds. But for me, it feels quite the opposite. Anytime I’ve gotten excited about something- it started in my heart center. Or when I get sad- the feeling radiates form my heart sometimes before I even think about what is making me sad. It’s not just me- there are multiple scientific studies on the amazing heart. ‘Research is proving the heart may be as intricate as the brain, referred to as "the little brain." The heart-brain actually sends more communication to the head-brain than the other way around.’

Research aside, I bet you feel this knowledge in your body even as you read this. It is beyond time for us to stop making decisions from our heads and begin to connect in with our powerful hearts.

But like, how do you do this? After years of practice within my own inner growth, I’m going to share the biggest secret- the secret formula if you will- for doing just that!


Here’s the Secret…

This is no trick. It’s actually really simply… All you have to do to get out of your head and into your heart is DESIRE IT!

Yeah, friend, that’s it! When you long to connect in with your heart space, the seed of your soul, that is all it takes to finally stop the never-ending narrative in your head truly begin to listen.

Like, I’m sure you scrolled down to this part and were like, “Is she for real? It’s just too simple.” And yet, I have found time and time again, that when I desire to connect in with my heart, my soul, my body it’s 10000 times easier. In fact, it’s the longing that most likely comes from signals your heart is putting off. It wants you to listen to it.

By you reading this, it shows me that you most likely already desire to connect in with your heart. You are courageous and 100% on the right path just by being here! Congrats- the secret actually lies within you!

I would also argue that we are all born with this desire to let our heart’s lead us. It is said that our heart’s are the gateway to our soul and our soul is all know, all wise & infinitely loving. I feel this deep within my bones and in my life my heart has proven time and time again that this desire lives naturally in me.

You are more divinely supported than you even know!

Once you realize that you do, indeed, desire to let your heart lead, to listen to it and to finally take the step to get our of your head- there is also a simple meditation that can help you begin to put the desire into practice…

Here are the steps below…

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Do this on repeat for as many times as you need and before you know it- coming into your body, and listening to your heart will be as easy as breathing.

If you need further support on heart connection, pop over to my instagram where I share tips & support on this daily!


Jenni June


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